Thursday, January 06, 2011

Christ and Kali

In some Hindu homes we can see this picture of Goddess Kali. She is the most ferocious and fearful form of God. Her tongue is out and all red.. holds the head of a demon she just killed… holds lots of weapons.. What is the point of having such a God concept? Actually, it is not to scare anybody but to scare away the scary things.

Hinduism teaches to love God. We don’t get scared by those who we love irrespective of their looks. So, when one learns to love such a scary figure treating her as mother, nothing is scary. That is the logic behind it. I personally knew couple of Kali worshippers and they were never scared of the dark. 

But what if that picture scares one and keeps them away from that picture at night? I think such a person should remove that picture from the pooja room/place. Hinduism offers lots of God forms (including the formless) to suit all kinds of worshipers. That person better choose something which is comfortable for him/her ( There is a reason/logic why there are many different forms).

Once a Christian friend of mine told:

“We hate Jews because they crucified our Jesus”

I asked:

“Do you have that cross at home? The crucified Jesus?”

I got the answer “Yes”

The very idea of Jesus in the cross is not to remind who killed him (or that is what I personally believe). So, if what that cross bring is the memory of his killers, I think one better replace that with a picture of Jesus holding a lamb close to his heart. I think His life was there to teach love and not hatred.

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