I was about to write that I got bored the other day…. But I can’t write it today…. Coz, today wasn’t boring… There is no need to say that spending time with friends we like is something pleasant. It makes us happy and lifts our sprits up.
For about one week, I spent most of the time downloading and then listening to some audio books. I downloaded a crime/suspense fiction novel (more than 300 MB) and started listening to it. It was very interesting, and the climax?
Well, the last file was corrupt, so I could not listen to the last couple of chapters! What a tragedy, I felt like I wasted lots of time. I even suffered headache since I used headphones for long hours….. Sometimes, it happens..
Today I had told ‘her’ that I will tell a secret. I know it was sort of kidding. But here is a genuine secret…
I might have mentioned in my many blogs ‘my then best friend’….was there any nick name for her? Yes, I used to refer her as ‘G’ ….Not when I personally address her, but when I used to write about her in my diary/journel……………only I and she knew of that till now….so?
So, Pssssssssssssssssssst !!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday, Son!
Today is my son’s birthday. Its all over now. This time, he invited only a few of his friends. He decided to ditch those who did not play with him. I did not interfere into that affair. It was settled by him and his mom. But at the time (5.15 pm) of cutting the cake, only one boy was there. But son was very happy, coz, that guy was one of his close friends. Another one came only at night, to keep her word. A couple of them ditched.
One reason I think of is the last minute invitation. May be the parents did not get time to buy any gifts. But anyway, he was happy, except for one thing. He wanted to have pizza for dinner, but it ended in rice, which is not his favorite. He told me that he want surprise gift…. He got that… He got some local, national and international phone calls…

Son, I know, one day you will read this…. So, remember that you were very happy on your 10th birthday, though there weren’t many people to attend it….
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Televangelism and ...
(This is a mail to one of my buddies, during Jan 2008)
Dear ....
Hope you people are doing well, including the junior. Ok, directly into your questions…. Yes, televangelism is one of the multi million business. And yes, the man you saw on the television had something to do with me.
No, I wasn’t his student at any point of time. If I remember correctly, my Bible teacher’s name was Matthew (may be a Pastor, not sure). But during my ‘Christianity era’, I used to subscribe some magazines other than the books written by my teacher. And there comes this televangelist. That time he wasn’t a televangelist. But it was ‘radiovangelism’. I might have written to him in response to something and he might have suggested his magazine. Coz, I don’t think my teacher will suggest somebody else’s books since even in faith groups, there exists ego problems.
Now that guy has grown big. He comes in TV. He travels abroad for evangelism. He travels to the US very often. This is a mutual benefit thing by these people’s syndicate. That is people from this place goes abroad and people from abroad (mainly from the US, Italy, Philippines, etc) comes here. Its kinda exchange programme. Yes, he might be very rich by now. His children might have got settled in the US.
I told you sometime ago, how Benny Hinn got exposed in my city. He made an escapade act. He did not even provide the financial help he said he will be providing for the Tsunami victims. Not just that, he even killed a man during his ‘miracle act’. But as you can think, it is not easy to book him for murder in India, where he can buy lots of corrupt and pseudo secular politicians. Thus the police did not take up the complaint filed by a doctor. According to him, idol worship by Hinduism is like prostitution !! He is mum about Christians who keep the idol of Jesus in churches. He is mum about people who keep the picture of Jesus at homes. Why didn’t he go to Philippines where prostitution a big business? Why didn’t he go there and ask the people to close the bars and ask them to stop sex tourism? There he doesn’t have to face any problem since it has more than 95% Christians. He says Jesus talks to him. And I think that will be the last thing Jesus might do. Checkout this:
And check out what even Christians themselves say about Hinn, here in Christian Research Service, you get lots of stories about the fake claims by Hinn:
He and his ‘gang’ came here in a chartered flight, exclusively for them. He is just one example who is in the multi billion God business. These guys are filthy rich. They think they can do any dirty thing to spread Christianity and spread the good news. That is wrong and Jesus never wanted to force it onto others (especially to India, from where he gained all his knowledge). And if there is the judgment day (which I don’t believe), these evangelists who thot they did a good deed will be in big trouble and most of them will get a seat in the hell.
If Jesus comes right now and see all these godly work, he will say “Thank God, I am not a Christian!.
You might have heard of a TV show called “Out In the Open” by Rick Sanchez, in CNN. Sometime ago, he brought this issue in his show. And it was exposed that most of these televangelist own Rolls-Royce , many of them shit in a $23,000 toilet, the suits they were costs thousands of dollars. Some of them own airplanes. They truly live in super-luxury, yes by cheating people. But it is just like many TV commercial that comes(eg. Fairness creams, where fair models comes with a ‘dark’ makeup first and then they show their original skin), if you got tricked, it’s your problem and not theirs. Coz, its their profession and business.
You can get full transcript of Sanchez’s show in the transcript section of the CNN. You can refer (you must refer) the following link and there, they provide links to that CNN transcript.
Last year, six such ministries got investigated (owned by Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn ) in connection with misappropriation, availing illegal tax exceptions etc.
As you know, there is only one Bible and one Jesus. But you can see more and more ‘ministries’ coming up. Why? More and more faith groups coming up, why? Does it mean that Vatican don’t know anything about Jesus? Pope doesn’t know Bible? Ever heard of Jesus talking directly to Pope? But you hear Jesus talking to many of these new breed of faith group people, who are mostly eccentric. Some of them pretend and fake to sell their idea and some of them have troubled minds.
I have lots of Christian friends. Or I better say, most of my friends are Christians…. Roman Catholics, Latin Catholics, Marthoma, Syrian Catholics, CSI, Pentecost….. Jesus never spoke to any of my proper RC or SC friends, why? Are they not faithful? Why He talks ONLY to the new breed? I think you got it….
(well, if somebody is a hardcore believer and he/she want to do something and he/she asks God what to do and gets the obvious answer which they prefer. Why? These Godly talks are nothing but the conscienceless splitting into two and one playing the God. These are different from sometimes (to some people) getting some ‘clues’ or signs from an unknown force)
There is this published speech by Ole Anthony of Trinity Foundation available. You can go through that too to get an idea how these cheaters really care for humans…
As you know I spent some time with Christianity. You had seen my house that time, there were ‘Jesus saves you’ , ‘ Jesus is the Lord of this House’ kinda stickers stuck on the door/wall of my house. There was this ‘Praise the Lord’ sticker stuck on my two wheeler, even after my marriage. But believe me, I wasn’t part of any evangelism. I never asked anybody to experiment with what I did. It was just my personal choice. I wasn’t part of any such group, though my then best friend was part of some Pentecostal activities. For a Hindu, there is not need to change the religion. It is like searching for a drop of salt when you own an ocean.
Hmmmm I think those people quote something from ‘Bhavishya Punara’ to get a solid grip on Jesus’ birth. I think they are just using that conveniently and I haven’t read any comment from any Indian spiritual teachers on that issue. Jesus did not try to teach Indians, did you observe that? He knew that we don’t need that. He came here (during his ‘missing period’ of 12 years to 30 years) to learn and not to teach. His showing of yogic mudra, walking on water, escaping the crucifixion all these points to India. As you know, Padmapadar walked over water, his guru, Shankaracharya left his body for a short period (entered a dead )and came back (well, Chattambi swami also had this ability), and even in the modern era, that is during Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s time (1836-1886), there were people who could walk over water (even now, there are lots of yogis who can do many such things).
And finally where did Jesus spent rest of his life and die? He came back to India, or at least that is what some people believe, though this is against the Discovery Channel’s feature ‘ The Lost Tomb of Jesus’, where they say they have found Jesus’s tomb in Jerusalem. They say that Jesus had a son with Mary of Magdalene named Judah. I did not see the movie. Now the DVD is available.
So far, the following site is one of the best which provides some info on “Jesus in India’ . Obviously the Vatican and the US (which is behind almost every evangelical work) will not accept these things since that might uproot all their beliefs. Even if they get evidence, they might not publish it, they will try to fake it, they will try to destroy it and they will try every possible thing they can do…
Don’t forget to explore every tab. There are many videos too, one even about the death of Jesus. But don’t ask much questions about it now..hehehe coz, I am yet to go through everything, when I write this.
You are right about what you heard. Now Jesus is being promoted as a Guru here in India. Old wine in a new bottle. Cos the evangelists fond that that is the best way to sell. The evangelists who come to Punjab, for example, promote Jesus as ‘Satguru’, which is very much appealing for the Sikh community… ….the chorus is called ‘Satsang’ … ever seen a church painted in ‘kavi’ color? Well, goto Punjab… no , I am not joking. And yes, then the money flows… many poor Sikhs became rich by over night…..what they wanted was money and these evangelists gave them money in exchange of faith….. Anything sells here in India, my dear….why? coz, we don’t have even the basic knowledge about our own scriptures…there are millions among us who are ready to do any circus for money, anything at all.
Yes, not even 10% of the Hindus don’t know the basics of our ‘faith’ and that ignorance can be easily used. And you need to understand that these conversions are not purely a change of faith. But people change their religion to get material benefits like money, free education, food, cloth etc etc… These evangelists perform fake dramas too to convince people. They target mostly the illiterate villagers and not educated people like you and me. It is easy for them.
India still have many villages where there is no power and water supply or modern health care system. Many of these evangelists use modern medicines to ‘heal’ the ill and then they say ‘ Jesus healed you’. These poor people don’t know what exactly happened. When this news spreads, sometimes the whole family changes faith…Then why are they doing that? The answer is simple, the coming generations…they will be Christians by default… there are many such ‘stunts’ performed by these people. I don’t know whether these evangelists have got some targets fixed by their sender. Many people come here on visit visa and do evangelism (not religious visa like the one obtained by your neighbor)…..
What happens after conversion? Just have a look at those countries that has a majority of Christian population and you will get an idea. One such nation became a top place for sex tourism and another one is world’s leading consumer of sex toys… you can see all other sorts of crimes in these countries too… and in India, it will take some time…. Some time ago, Tamil Nadu was the main target in the south for evangelism. They had some excellent local evangelists too. (Even my mom attended some speeches by one of them. Then I too listened to him…he speaks beautifully and I still like his presentation skills..these guys are usually very good at speaking…he then became rich, millionaire…then his brother too entered into the business and now it’s a family business for them. You can see them in ‘God TV’)Lots and lots of Dalits got converted .
But sometime ago, a group of 3000 such people threatened the church for returning back to Hinduism. Why? The evangelists did their job and returned (or moved on to catch another set of scape goats)but the already existing church did not considered them as equals and there was discrimination (the RC and SC considers themselves as high caste among Christians) and their life became back to square one or even worse…
May be it is the ‘other side is green’ phenomena. Coz, Buddhism and Hinduism is picking up very fast in the west and at one time, Buddhism was the fastest growing religion in Australia. Yes, it is the Christians who change their religion, AT THEIR WILL. Usually the church is not a supporter of ‘read other scriptures too’ policy. Coz, if they read, well, its trouble for them. Only the Hindu gurus ask us to read other scriptures too and take the good from it.
About that book. That book was first published in 1988 and I still have a copy with me. May be I am lucky. Coz, the author, Father Samuel Nettiyadan got excommunicated. His book got burned, His press got destroyed and the church did whatever thy can to destroy him. But he got support from the society. I don’t know his whereabouts now.
He was part of Mar Thoma Syrian church and a priest for 17 years.
A small interview with the author can be found here:
Ok, back to the book. The book has 176 pages and hence it is not easy for me to give a translation for you. I will give you a summary later, after me reading it once again. But what made a priest to write such a novel? In the preface he says something like this (translated in my words, not easy as he writes beautifully):
I became very sad when my search about the ‘missing years’ of the Son of God went in vain. At the end of thoughtful hours, I became desperate. I lost my consciousness. I was taken to somewhere. It was bright there but the sun was not there. He welcomed me there…
‘Welcome, why are you sad? ‘ He asked me.
‘The testaments/scriptures are not telling anything about you when you were between 12 to 30.
Why this long 18 years did not get recorded?’
I asked
He smiled. It was a friendly, comforting smile. Then He replied
Teenage was tempting, slippery steps. Shaky legs. Suffocating temptations. I walked through all these. At the start of youth, wandering for the search started. A search for the Rishi traditions and prophet linage. Only the essence of the search got manifested in the open service. And only that part got recorded by those who spread the Good News. The secrets and confusions of the teenage and the search during the youth will only be revealed to you through dream.
His smile stayed like the daylight.
‘Please reveal me those’ I said
Then he took me with Him. We walked backwards in the time. We reached in the beginning of all/everything…..
It goes like that…..That means, Fr. Samuel really searched a lot to find out where Jesus was during his 12-30 age period. And finally Jesus gave him an answer… I don’t know, but the preface of the novel makes us think in that direction. If Jesus can talk to hundreds of faith sellers, why can’t he talk to a proper priest? It is very much possible.
In that novel, it is said that Mary got conceived by a Roman soldier (that time, Palestine was under the rule of Roman emperors). When the ‘society’ came to know that Mary is pregnant, the then ‘religious setup’ gave her a death verdict. They decided to stone her to death. On that day, people gathered with stones and they were about to kill her. Then a brave man came forward and grabbed Mary’s hand. It was Joseph. The religious head asked him who he is and he replied
‘ I am the father of the child who this woman is going to give birth’
That is how Mary became Joseph’s wife. She was pregnant when she became his wife. Joseph is considered as the stepfather of Jesus, in that book.
And in the novel, as you saw, Jesus comes to visit Rishis too….
Well, its getting very late for me…. Sorry for the abrupt end of this mail….
I know I still need to comment on many other minor things pointed out by you….. may be next time… bye for now and do take care… God bless !
With prayers,
Dear ....
Hope you people are doing well, including the junior. Ok, directly into your questions…. Yes, televangelism is one of the multi million business. And yes, the man you saw on the television had something to do with me.
No, I wasn’t his student at any point of time. If I remember correctly, my Bible teacher’s name was Matthew (may be a Pastor, not sure). But during my ‘Christianity era’, I used to subscribe some magazines other than the books written by my teacher. And there comes this televangelist. That time he wasn’t a televangelist. But it was ‘radiovangelism’. I might have written to him in response to something and he might have suggested his magazine. Coz, I don’t think my teacher will suggest somebody else’s books since even in faith groups, there exists ego problems.
Now that guy has grown big. He comes in TV. He travels abroad for evangelism. He travels to the US very often. This is a mutual benefit thing by these people’s syndicate. That is people from this place goes abroad and people from abroad (mainly from the US, Italy, Philippines, etc) comes here. Its kinda exchange programme. Yes, he might be very rich by now. His children might have got settled in the US.
I told you sometime ago, how Benny Hinn got exposed in my city. He made an escapade act. He did not even provide the financial help he said he will be providing for the Tsunami victims. Not just that, he even killed a man during his ‘miracle act’. But as you can think, it is not easy to book him for murder in India, where he can buy lots of corrupt and pseudo secular politicians. Thus the police did not take up the complaint filed by a doctor. According to him, idol worship by Hinduism is like prostitution !! He is mum about Christians who keep the idol of Jesus in churches. He is mum about people who keep the picture of Jesus at homes. Why didn’t he go to Philippines where prostitution a big business? Why didn’t he go there and ask the people to close the bars and ask them to stop sex tourism? There he doesn’t have to face any problem since it has more than 95% Christians. He says Jesus talks to him. And I think that will be the last thing Jesus might do. Checkout this:
And check out what even Christians themselves say about Hinn, here in Christian Research Service, you get lots of stories about the fake claims by Hinn:
He and his ‘gang’ came here in a chartered flight, exclusively for them. He is just one example who is in the multi billion God business. These guys are filthy rich. They think they can do any dirty thing to spread Christianity and spread the good news. That is wrong and Jesus never wanted to force it onto others (especially to India, from where he gained all his knowledge). And if there is the judgment day (which I don’t believe), these evangelists who thot they did a good deed will be in big trouble and most of them will get a seat in the hell.
If Jesus comes right now and see all these godly work, he will say “Thank God, I am not a Christian!.
You might have heard of a TV show called “Out In the Open” by Rick Sanchez, in CNN. Sometime ago, he brought this issue in his show. And it was exposed that most of these televangelist own Rolls-Royce , many of them shit in a $23,000 toilet, the suits they were costs thousands of dollars. Some of them own airplanes. They truly live in super-luxury, yes by cheating people. But it is just like many TV commercial that comes(eg. Fairness creams, where fair models comes with a ‘dark’ makeup first and then they show their original skin), if you got tricked, it’s your problem and not theirs. Coz, its their profession and business.
You can get full transcript of Sanchez’s show in the transcript section of the CNN. You can refer (you must refer) the following link and there, they provide links to that CNN transcript.
Last year, six such ministries got investigated (owned by Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn ) in connection with misappropriation, availing illegal tax exceptions etc.
As you know, there is only one Bible and one Jesus. But you can see more and more ‘ministries’ coming up. Why? More and more faith groups coming up, why? Does it mean that Vatican don’t know anything about Jesus? Pope doesn’t know Bible? Ever heard of Jesus talking directly to Pope? But you hear Jesus talking to many of these new breed of faith group people, who are mostly eccentric. Some of them pretend and fake to sell their idea and some of them have troubled minds.
I have lots of Christian friends. Or I better say, most of my friends are Christians…. Roman Catholics, Latin Catholics, Marthoma, Syrian Catholics, CSI, Pentecost….. Jesus never spoke to any of my proper RC or SC friends, why? Are they not faithful? Why He talks ONLY to the new breed? I think you got it….
(well, if somebody is a hardcore believer and he/she want to do something and he/she asks God what to do and gets the obvious answer which they prefer. Why? These Godly talks are nothing but the conscienceless splitting into two and one playing the God. These are different from sometimes (to some people) getting some ‘clues’ or signs from an unknown force)
There is this published speech by Ole Anthony of Trinity Foundation available. You can go through that too to get an idea how these cheaters really care for humans…
As you know I spent some time with Christianity. You had seen my house that time, there were ‘Jesus saves you’ , ‘ Jesus is the Lord of this House’ kinda stickers stuck on the door/wall of my house. There was this ‘Praise the Lord’ sticker stuck on my two wheeler, even after my marriage. But believe me, I wasn’t part of any evangelism. I never asked anybody to experiment with what I did. It was just my personal choice. I wasn’t part of any such group, though my then best friend was part of some Pentecostal activities. For a Hindu, there is not need to change the religion. It is like searching for a drop of salt when you own an ocean.
Hmmmm I think those people quote something from ‘Bhavishya Punara’ to get a solid grip on Jesus’ birth. I think they are just using that conveniently and I haven’t read any comment from any Indian spiritual teachers on that issue. Jesus did not try to teach Indians, did you observe that? He knew that we don’t need that. He came here (during his ‘missing period’ of 12 years to 30 years) to learn and not to teach. His showing of yogic mudra, walking on water, escaping the crucifixion all these points to India. As you know, Padmapadar walked over water, his guru, Shankaracharya left his body for a short period (entered a dead )and came back (well, Chattambi swami also had this ability), and even in the modern era, that is during Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s time (1836-1886), there were people who could walk over water (even now, there are lots of yogis who can do many such things).
And finally where did Jesus spent rest of his life and die? He came back to India, or at least that is what some people believe, though this is against the Discovery Channel’s feature ‘ The Lost Tomb of Jesus’, where they say they have found Jesus’s tomb in Jerusalem. They say that Jesus had a son with Mary of Magdalene named Judah. I did not see the movie. Now the DVD is available.
So far, the following site is one of the best which provides some info on “Jesus in India’ . Obviously the Vatican and the US (which is behind almost every evangelical work) will not accept these things since that might uproot all their beliefs. Even if they get evidence, they might not publish it, they will try to fake it, they will try to destroy it and they will try every possible thing they can do…
Don’t forget to explore every tab. There are many videos too, one even about the death of Jesus. But don’t ask much questions about it now..hehehe coz, I am yet to go through everything, when I write this.
You are right about what you heard. Now Jesus is being promoted as a Guru here in India. Old wine in a new bottle. Cos the evangelists fond that that is the best way to sell. The evangelists who come to Punjab, for example, promote Jesus as ‘Satguru’, which is very much appealing for the Sikh community… ….the chorus is called ‘Satsang’ … ever seen a church painted in ‘kavi’ color? Well, goto Punjab… no , I am not joking. And yes, then the money flows… many poor Sikhs became rich by over night…..what they wanted was money and these evangelists gave them money in exchange of faith….. Anything sells here in India, my dear….why? coz, we don’t have even the basic knowledge about our own scriptures…there are millions among us who are ready to do any circus for money, anything at all.
Yes, not even 10% of the Hindus don’t know the basics of our ‘faith’ and that ignorance can be easily used. And you need to understand that these conversions are not purely a change of faith. But people change their religion to get material benefits like money, free education, food, cloth etc etc… These evangelists perform fake dramas too to convince people. They target mostly the illiterate villagers and not educated people like you and me. It is easy for them.
India still have many villages where there is no power and water supply or modern health care system. Many of these evangelists use modern medicines to ‘heal’ the ill and then they say ‘ Jesus healed you’. These poor people don’t know what exactly happened. When this news spreads, sometimes the whole family changes faith…Then why are they doing that? The answer is simple, the coming generations…they will be Christians by default… there are many such ‘stunts’ performed by these people. I don’t know whether these evangelists have got some targets fixed by their sender. Many people come here on visit visa and do evangelism (not religious visa like the one obtained by your neighbor)…..
What happens after conversion? Just have a look at those countries that has a majority of Christian population and you will get an idea. One such nation became a top place for sex tourism and another one is world’s leading consumer of sex toys… you can see all other sorts of crimes in these countries too… and in India, it will take some time…. Some time ago, Tamil Nadu was the main target in the south for evangelism. They had some excellent local evangelists too. (Even my mom attended some speeches by one of them. Then I too listened to him…he speaks beautifully and I still like his presentation skills..these guys are usually very good at speaking…he then became rich, millionaire…then his brother too entered into the business and now it’s a family business for them. You can see them in ‘God TV’)Lots and lots of Dalits got converted .
But sometime ago, a group of 3000 such people threatened the church for returning back to Hinduism. Why? The evangelists did their job and returned (or moved on to catch another set of scape goats)but the already existing church did not considered them as equals and there was discrimination (the RC and SC considers themselves as high caste among Christians) and their life became back to square one or even worse…
May be it is the ‘other side is green’ phenomena. Coz, Buddhism and Hinduism is picking up very fast in the west and at one time, Buddhism was the fastest growing religion in Australia. Yes, it is the Christians who change their religion, AT THEIR WILL. Usually the church is not a supporter of ‘read other scriptures too’ policy. Coz, if they read, well, its trouble for them. Only the Hindu gurus ask us to read other scriptures too and take the good from it.
About that book. That book was first published in 1988 and I still have a copy with me. May be I am lucky. Coz, the author, Father Samuel Nettiyadan got excommunicated. His book got burned, His press got destroyed and the church did whatever thy can to destroy him. But he got support from the society. I don’t know his whereabouts now.
He was part of Mar Thoma Syrian church and a priest for 17 years.
A small interview with the author can be found here:
Ok, back to the book. The book has 176 pages and hence it is not easy for me to give a translation for you. I will give you a summary later, after me reading it once again. But what made a priest to write such a novel? In the preface he says something like this (translated in my words, not easy as he writes beautifully):
I became very sad when my search about the ‘missing years’ of the Son of God went in vain. At the end of thoughtful hours, I became desperate. I lost my consciousness. I was taken to somewhere. It was bright there but the sun was not there. He welcomed me there…
‘Welcome, why are you sad? ‘ He asked me.
‘The testaments/scriptures are not telling anything about you when you were between 12 to 30.
Why this long 18 years did not get recorded?’
I asked
He smiled. It was a friendly, comforting smile. Then He replied
Teenage was tempting, slippery steps. Shaky legs. Suffocating temptations. I walked through all these. At the start of youth, wandering for the search started. A search for the Rishi traditions and prophet linage. Only the essence of the search got manifested in the open service. And only that part got recorded by those who spread the Good News. The secrets and confusions of the teenage and the search during the youth will only be revealed to you through dream.
His smile stayed like the daylight.
‘Please reveal me those’ I said
Then he took me with Him. We walked backwards in the time. We reached in the beginning of all/everything…..
It goes like that…..That means, Fr. Samuel really searched a lot to find out where Jesus was during his 12-30 age period. And finally Jesus gave him an answer… I don’t know, but the preface of the novel makes us think in that direction. If Jesus can talk to hundreds of faith sellers, why can’t he talk to a proper priest? It is very much possible.
In that novel, it is said that Mary got conceived by a Roman soldier (that time, Palestine was under the rule of Roman emperors). When the ‘society’ came to know that Mary is pregnant, the then ‘religious setup’ gave her a death verdict. They decided to stone her to death. On that day, people gathered with stones and they were about to kill her. Then a brave man came forward and grabbed Mary’s hand. It was Joseph. The religious head asked him who he is and he replied
‘ I am the father of the child who this woman is going to give birth’
That is how Mary became Joseph’s wife. She was pregnant when she became his wife. Joseph is considered as the stepfather of Jesus, in that book.
And in the novel, as you saw, Jesus comes to visit Rishis too….
Well, its getting very late for me…. Sorry for the abrupt end of this mail….
I know I still need to comment on many other minor things pointed out by you….. may be next time… bye for now and do take care… God bless !
With prayers,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Earth Hour
Today was the Earth-hour day….. I obliged to it. I switched off all lights except one…. I did not use my car….. I don’t know to what extend it might have helped our mother earth from the Global warming stuff…….
Friday, March 28, 2008
No, I am Not...
“Did you go to church with your family?”, she asked me
“I am not a Christian” I said
“No, its ok”
That was part of a post Easter chat with a friend of mine. I asked her how her Easter was and she said she went to church with her family. Yes, I greeted every Christian friend of mine with whom I am in touch a ‘ Happy Easter’ and yes, I did not forget to wish my Muslim friends a Happy Mowlid Al Nabi.
(How many of my friends have wished me on my festivals, at least one festival? Only two, if I remember correctly).
What does it show? I mean my attitude? Does it mean that I am a pathless man who is wandering around? Somebody who is still in the look out for a ‘path’? Do I believe Jesus gave his life for me and to wash away my sins? Or was I trying to please my friends?
No, I personally don’t believe in such things. I did/do those coz, I respect other religions too . And in doing so, 'My God' will not get angry but instead, He will be very happy …..
“I am not a Christian” I said
“No, its ok”
That was part of a post Easter chat with a friend of mine. I asked her how her Easter was and she said she went to church with her family. Yes, I greeted every Christian friend of mine with whom I am in touch a ‘ Happy Easter’ and yes, I did not forget to wish my Muslim friends a Happy Mowlid Al Nabi.
(How many of my friends have wished me on my festivals, at least one festival? Only two, if I remember correctly).
What does it show? I mean my attitude? Does it mean that I am a pathless man who is wandering around? Somebody who is still in the look out for a ‘path’? Do I believe Jesus gave his life for me and to wash away my sins? Or was I trying to please my friends?
No, I personally don’t believe in such things. I did/do those coz, I respect other religions too . And in doing so, 'My God' will not get angry but instead, He will be very happy …..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Almighty Fool !
How easy it is to cheat/ trick/fool/confuse/mislead God? At least for some, it is very easy.
And still they call him Almighty? Yep, and that’s an interesting thing which shows how convenient some people are with respect to religion. One person believes in some religion and it has got a scripture. Scripture is said to be God’s words. But what if many things in the scripture are not suitable for that person? Follow only those part which is convenient and pretend that ‘I did not see/ I don’t know/am not aware of’ to the other part.
This is what I thought about when I was talking to a friend of mine. She said she is going to get married and it was a surprise for me, coz, what I believed was she was already married and has got a kid too. So I asked her
“Are you not married then?, may I ask”
“Yes, I am… but that man is not worth keeping”
“So, you are going to divorce him?”
“No, we can’t divorce as per our religion, its annulment”
“Hope you wont get angry if I ask something”
“No, just ask”
“You married him after a series of dates and a boy friend-girl friend relation, right?”
I did not ask much, which may not be comfortable for her to answer. But I could not resist asking this:
“What difference it makes, in the post annulment or divorce life? What about remarriage?”
“There is no difference, in both case, one can re-marry”
How can somebody ‘nullify’ a marriage? Do they have a time machine to go back to the past to do that? Coz that is the only way to take away the kids that were born from that relationship. Else they always stand as a living proof. God has kept something called DNA within us. And the DNA test can easily tell who the parents are. That is how God has created us. He and his creations are that much sophisticated than we think.
I never thought ‘divorce’ is against her religion coz, it (splitting up) was quite a common thing among them and hence I checked out what ‘some others’ of her religion has to say about it and …:
I married a wrong person
I love someone else
I don’t love my mate
I have fallen out of love
My mate doesn’t love me
I am unhappy, this can’t be what God wants
We are incompatible
We have grown apart
We were not married in God’s eyes
He/she is not religious/saved
I don’t have peace
We serve a forgiving God so, He will forgive me
He/she committed mental adultery
He/she is alcoholic
He/she don’t make love
He/she is mean to kids
He/she smokes
I cant trust him/her
God doesn’t want me in an unhealthy relationship……..
The list is long…. They call all the above as UNSCRIPTUAL EXCUSES for a divorce/annulment !!!
So, its just a way to bypass the scripture or ‘God’s words’ !! Just use a different word and slightly change the routine process and you are done. God won’t be able to find it out…coz He is a …..
When I was having this conversation, what went through my mind was another anecdote. It happened some 6 years ago. I was doing a computer course and I knew most of the classmates by their name and some were more friendly than others (why I say so is coz, none of them were my friends for real. May be coz of our age difference. I was at least 10 years older than all the fellow students). One day, I happened to take one of those friendly guys’ note books and I saw his name written in a different way. That is there was a middle name too. So I said:
“Oh, so your full name is this’
“No” there came another guy’s voice who also happened to be follower of the same religion.
“Then ..” my face was confused…
The book owner smiled at me. He was a handsome guy and he smiles handsomely too. And he said:
“On the judgment day, God will ask who are all there with the name <> and only they will be resurrected.....”
So, how easy it is to fool the God…just keep that name with you and a seat in the heaven is reserved for you, though that name is not part of any records (like his school records, birth certificate, passport etc). Your acts and deeds here don’t matter, one seat is reserved! What about women? They usually dont have that name with them (this again shows the male domination in this world). Are they not created by God? dont he love them too? …. He can be easily tricked ….And still God is?
ALMIGHTY ! And He knows everything !!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Proverbs !!
Once, a school teacher gave the children a test on popular proverbs. It was in the form of fill up the blanks. That is, half of it was there and the kids need to finish the rest.. and the result? Here are some samples:
As you make your bed so
shall you . . . mess it up.
Better to be safe than . . .
hit a teacher.
You can lead a horse
to water but . . . how?
Don’t bite the hand that . . .
looks dirty.
A miss is as good as a . . . mr.
You can’t teach an
old dog . . . maths.
The pen is mightier
than the . . . pigs.
An idle mind is . . .
the best way to relax.
There’s no smoke
without . . . pollution.
A penny saved . . .
is not much.
Two’s company, three’s . . .
the musketeers.
Laugh and the world laughs with
you, cry and . . . you must blow
your own nose.
Children should be seen
and not . . . smacked or grounded.
When the blind
leadeth the
blind . . . best get
out of the way.
Never underestimate the
power of . . . termites.
No news is . . .
Love all, trust . . . me.
Don’t put off till tomorrow
what . . . you put on to go to bed.
If at first you don’t succeed . . .
get new batteries.
People in glass
houses shouldn’t . . .
run around naked.
As you make your bed so
shall you . . . mess it up.
Better to be safe than . . .
hit a teacher.
You can lead a horse
to water but . . . how?
Don’t bite the hand that . . .
looks dirty.
A miss is as good as a . . . mr.
You can’t teach an
old dog . . . maths.
The pen is mightier
than the . . . pigs.
An idle mind is . . .
the best way to relax.
There’s no smoke
without . . . pollution.
A penny saved . . .
is not much.
Two’s company, three’s . . .
the musketeers.
Laugh and the world laughs with
you, cry and . . . you must blow
your own nose.
Children should be seen
and not . . . smacked or grounded.
When the blind
leadeth the
blind . . . best get
out of the way.
Never underestimate the
power of . . . termites.
No news is . . .
Love all, trust . . . me.
Don’t put off till tomorrow
what . . . you put on to go to bed.
If at first you don’t succeed . . .
get new batteries.
People in glass
houses shouldn’t . . .
run around naked.
The Late Night Movie !
I could not sleep properly the other night. Why? My neighbor went for a late night movie!!
It is like this: I went to bed a little late than my regular time and as usually, after half and hour or so, I fell asleep. Then I woke up hearing a BIG ‘thud thud’ noise. I thought somebody is banging my door. Then I thought why those fools bang the door instead of using the door bell? So I went to door to check out who it is. As soon as I reached the door, it became evident that thy are not banging at my door but theirs. And it happened at 1 am early morning. What the...?
They went for a movie and when they came back, they cant open the door. The lock got jammed. They tried their level best and they could not open it , then another neighbor, then may be somebody else, or may be the security…. And the process went on for another one and a half hours which disturbed my sleep. Once am awake, it is not easy for me to go back to sleep.
Poor me!
It is like this: I went to bed a little late than my regular time and as usually, after half and hour or so, I fell asleep. Then I woke up hearing a BIG ‘thud thud’ noise. I thought somebody is banging my door. Then I thought why those fools bang the door instead of using the door bell? So I went to door to check out who it is. As soon as I reached the door, it became evident that thy are not banging at my door but theirs. And it happened at 1 am early morning. What the...?
They went for a movie and when they came back, they cant open the door. The lock got jammed. They tried their level best and they could not open it , then another neighbor, then may be somebody else, or may be the security…. And the process went on for another one and a half hours which disturbed my sleep. Once am awake, it is not easy for me to go back to sleep.
Poor me!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Summer Ways...
Its summer again. Summer always reminds of holidays. Many a times it brings back childhood memories. From the start of a new school year, what we eagerly used to wait for was the yearend holidays…loooooooong holidays. Since my mother was a teacher, she too had holidays during those days. She had to visit the school once or twice a month and that time, I too used to go with her, most of the times. Else I might stay at home with my sister or we both might stay at some relative’s place on that day. Dad never used to take leave during the summer days to take us for a vacation. Thus, in my childhood memories, ‘going for a vacation/holiday’ doesn’t exist.
At my native place, where I spent all my childhood, summer was really hot and sweaty days. But it also was mango time. So, we used to through stones at mango trees (of course to get mangoes). Not only that, those were the days we used to climb trees most often, either to pluck mangoes or tamarind or guava or to play.
Now, in this city, we are lucky to have lots of mango trees in our apartment complex. They all started flowering now. This time, it is not that hot, which is a surprise. May be the hot days are yet to come. But anyway, yesterday it rained and today its very pleasant sitting inside. Its very sunny outside and the cool breeze which comes through the window gives pleasant hugs to make us comfortable, giving us a feeling that God loves us.
Summer time is exam time too. My sister’s eldest daughter is giving her 10th grade exams, which is sort of a turning point in student life. And for my son, it’s the ‘season’ of exams. Whenever he has to give exams like this, I think of the senseless educational systems that prevail in this country. And I also gets a thought ‘ it was a mistake to admit him into ICSE stream’. For us, exams took only 10 days of so. But for his case, it started on 8th and it goes till 25th (yes, there are some holidays too, in between) and he is only in 4th grade !
If we compare our quantity of education with other nations in the world, may be our little ones shoulder the worst burden (quality is also not bad, Indian IIM/IIT Graduates are one of the highest paid ones around the world, and during campus interviews, many MNCs go empty handed for lack of enough candidates). And the stress? Yes, even my son complained of headache due to stress ! is that the end? Nope, I don’t know where India stands in such a statistics, but every year, before exams or after the results, many students commit suicide, mainly coz they could not meet their parents’/teacher’s expectations. Now this is one of the topics we see in daily news papers.
I think it is high time the authorities seriously look into the prevailing educational system and make appropriate changes and moreover, have some uniform/standard system throughout the country.
At my native place, where I spent all my childhood, summer was really hot and sweaty days. But it also was mango time. So, we used to through stones at mango trees (of course to get mangoes). Not only that, those were the days we used to climb trees most often, either to pluck mangoes or tamarind or guava or to play.
Now, in this city, we are lucky to have lots of mango trees in our apartment complex. They all started flowering now. This time, it is not that hot, which is a surprise. May be the hot days are yet to come. But anyway, yesterday it rained and today its very pleasant sitting inside. Its very sunny outside and the cool breeze which comes through the window gives pleasant hugs to make us comfortable, giving us a feeling that God loves us.
Summer time is exam time too. My sister’s eldest daughter is giving her 10th grade exams, which is sort of a turning point in student life. And for my son, it’s the ‘season’ of exams. Whenever he has to give exams like this, I think of the senseless educational systems that prevail in this country. And I also gets a thought ‘ it was a mistake to admit him into ICSE stream’. For us, exams took only 10 days of so. But for his case, it started on 8th and it goes till 25th (yes, there are some holidays too, in between) and he is only in 4th grade !
If we compare our quantity of education with other nations in the world, may be our little ones shoulder the worst burden (quality is also not bad, Indian IIM/IIT Graduates are one of the highest paid ones around the world, and during campus interviews, many MNCs go empty handed for lack of enough candidates). And the stress? Yes, even my son complained of headache due to stress ! is that the end? Nope, I don’t know where India stands in such a statistics, but every year, before exams or after the results, many students commit suicide, mainly coz they could not meet their parents’/teacher’s expectations. Now this is one of the topics we see in daily news papers.
I think it is high time the authorities seriously look into the prevailing educational system and make appropriate changes and moreover, have some uniform/standard system throughout the country.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
An Online Lesson !
I am going through a surprisingly strange phase where I am not in touch with my friends, the usual way it was sometime ago. Many of them are busy and some of them stay invisible and even lied to me that they did not come online !! If they thought I can be fooled that way, they are wrong. I really wonder why they did that coz, its upto them to decide to whom they want to talk and to whom they did not want to and I respect that. They could have stayed online and kept their status busy, which is what some other friends of mine did/do. Or, at least, they shouldn't have told me that they never came online, that too without me asking!!. There is no reason for lying that they are not coming online/ they did not come online at all.
Anyway, this gave an opportunity to realize how truthful many of my friends are to me, though it hurt me a little since I considered many of them as very good friends of mine and had spent/'wasted' lot of my personal time for them.
May be I have started looking at the positive side of it than getting worried about it anymore...
Anyway, this gave an opportunity to realize how truthful many of my friends are to me, though it hurt me a little since I considered many of them as very good friends of mine and had spent/'wasted' lot of my personal time for them.
May be I have started looking at the positive side of it than getting worried about it anymore...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Devanahalli Airport
My city’s new Airport is ready. As soon as it got declared as operational, it got closed (till May 10 )by the central agencies saying it is yet to meet many norms.
Why is this hurry to open this airport? And what happened to the old one? There is lots of hue and cry going on about whether to keep the old one or not. People’s surveys showed that they want the old one still functioning, at least for domestic flights. Top business people also expressed similar views.
But the tragedy is the government and other agencies decided to close it (and keep it for defense department and may be for the VIPs (yes that is #$%*&@ politicians), resulting many people becoming unemployed (mainly taxi drivers. Well, on the other side, many others will get some new jobs in the new airport), which resulted in strike by that airport employees since past two days.
Whats mainly wrong with the new airport? Its far from the city and there is no dedicated roads to reach there. One needs to travel at least one and a half hours even for a short 30 minutes air travel. Considering the up and down travel, one has to spend about three hours and at least 2000 bucks extra, coz of the distance. If there is heavy traffic or jam, then things are worse. Then why did they start a new airport without considering how to reach there?
The new airport is situated from where locals hardly travel by air. The old airport’s history is exactly opposite. Even from my own apartment complex, at least one person uses it on a daily basis. City needs that airport very badly, since lots and lots of people who live in the city travel by plane, mainly it being the IT capital of this country. So what happened?
The answer is simple. There are some politicians who are into real estate business, which includes a former Chief Minister and his father , a former Prime Minister (they were farmers but now billionaires). It’s all their crooked idea and plan. They bought acres of land in that village first, and then came out with the idea of airport in that village, near their land. Once everything went fine, they sold their land (or they will sell it very soon) at very high price, which might have made them millionaires. They are not bothered how people reach there coz, they have helicopter to reach the airport. Everyone who lives in this city know this story and its very funny that the media are mum about this.
Why is this hurry to open this airport? And what happened to the old one? There is lots of hue and cry going on about whether to keep the old one or not. People’s surveys showed that they want the old one still functioning, at least for domestic flights. Top business people also expressed similar views.
But the tragedy is the government and other agencies decided to close it (and keep it for defense department and may be for the VIPs (yes that is #$%*&@ politicians), resulting many people becoming unemployed (mainly taxi drivers. Well, on the other side, many others will get some new jobs in the new airport), which resulted in strike by that airport employees since past two days.
Whats mainly wrong with the new airport? Its far from the city and there is no dedicated roads to reach there. One needs to travel at least one and a half hours even for a short 30 minutes air travel. Considering the up and down travel, one has to spend about three hours and at least 2000 bucks extra, coz of the distance. If there is heavy traffic or jam, then things are worse. Then why did they start a new airport without considering how to reach there?
The new airport is situated from where locals hardly travel by air. The old airport’s history is exactly opposite. Even from my own apartment complex, at least one person uses it on a daily basis. City needs that airport very badly, since lots and lots of people who live in the city travel by plane, mainly it being the IT capital of this country. So what happened?
The answer is simple. There are some politicians who are into real estate business, which includes a former Chief Minister and his father , a former Prime Minister (they were farmers but now billionaires). It’s all their crooked idea and plan. They bought acres of land in that village first, and then came out with the idea of airport in that village, near their land. Once everything went fine, they sold their land (or they will sell it very soon) at very high price, which might have made them millionaires. They are not bothered how people reach there coz, they have helicopter to reach the airport. Everyone who lives in this city know this story and its very funny that the media are mum about this.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The AK - 47
Which single weapon killed the maximum number of humans on earth? Without any doubt, it is the AK -47 assault rifle, which was created by a Russian brain called Mikhail Kalashnikov (Михаил Тимофеевич Калашников, Mihail Timofeevič Kalašnikov).

His parents had 18 children and Kalashnikov was the 17th. Well, the fact is only 6 children survived and he is one among them. After 9th grade, he joined the Railways as a technical clerk. Then he joined the Red Army during 1938. He continued his studies at the Army’s Engineering school. He invented many small stuffs from that day onwards (like revolution counter to count the number of shells fired from a Tank). He was with the tank division and during world war II he was the commander of a Tank division.

During that time (1941) he got wounded by shells and confined to a military hospital for months and that was the time he ‘invented’ a new automatic assault rifle, in his mind. When he was out of the hospital, he started working on it. Many trial models came out but it was during 1947 that the gun officially got manufactured and became the standard rifle for the Russian Army. A stands for Avtomat (means Automatic) and K stands for Kalashnikova and 47 is the year of manufacture thus – Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 or AK-47.
Russia’s main AK-47 factory at Izhmash makes around 100,000 rifles per year but around the world, 900,000 imitations are made every year. This is the weapon of choice by the terrorists. But Kalashnikov clearly says, his guns are sold as per the rules and norms and it is up to the governments to have regulations and control over weapons used in their country, which is absolutely right.
So far, it is the number one assault rifle in the world, though the Americans hesitate to admit it (it is said that even the Americans used AK-47 during the Vietnam war, but they claim that they won the war with their M-16).
Mikhail Kalashnikov won many awards from his country, like - degree of Doctor of engineering science, Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Order of the Great Patriotic War of the First Class, Order of the Red Star etc etc)
So, how rich is Mikhail Kalashnikov, considering the AK-47s circulating around the world? Well, he is not benefited by that number. He just gets a State pension and he sells Vodka of his own brand made at his own Vodka Company (he is the chairman of the Kalashnikov Joint Stock Vodka Co.)!!

How violent is he? He is a peace lover! And he hopes that truth will prevail and the use of weapons will end one day..

His parents had 18 children and Kalashnikov was the 17th. Well, the fact is only 6 children survived and he is one among them. After 9th grade, he joined the Railways as a technical clerk. Then he joined the Red Army during 1938. He continued his studies at the Army’s Engineering school. He invented many small stuffs from that day onwards (like revolution counter to count the number of shells fired from a Tank). He was with the tank division and during world war II he was the commander of a Tank division.

During that time (1941) he got wounded by shells and confined to a military hospital for months and that was the time he ‘invented’ a new automatic assault rifle, in his mind. When he was out of the hospital, he started working on it. Many trial models came out but it was during 1947 that the gun officially got manufactured and became the standard rifle for the Russian Army. A stands for Avtomat (means Automatic) and K stands for Kalashnikova and 47 is the year of manufacture thus – Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 or AK-47.
Russia’s main AK-47 factory at Izhmash makes around 100,000 rifles per year but around the world, 900,000 imitations are made every year. This is the weapon of choice by the terrorists. But Kalashnikov clearly says, his guns are sold as per the rules and norms and it is up to the governments to have regulations and control over weapons used in their country, which is absolutely right.
So far, it is the number one assault rifle in the world, though the Americans hesitate to admit it (it is said that even the Americans used AK-47 during the Vietnam war, but they claim that they won the war with their M-16).
Mikhail Kalashnikov won many awards from his country, like - degree of Doctor of engineering science, Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Order of the Great Patriotic War of the First Class, Order of the Red Star etc etc)
So, how rich is Mikhail Kalashnikov, considering the AK-47s circulating around the world? Well, he is not benefited by that number. He just gets a State pension and he sells Vodka of his own brand made at his own Vodka Company (he is the chairman of the Kalashnikov Joint Stock Vodka Co.)!!

How violent is he? He is a peace lover! And he hopes that truth will prevail and the use of weapons will end one day..
Monday, March 10, 2008
Busy Bees
Its busy days. People around me are very busy doing many different things and hence there is very little contacts with them, by means of chat or mail or whatever.
Today, one such busy bee took some time and showed up to say hi. That was nice. And how busy am I, personally? I too became busy. Its my son’s final exam time and hence, I need to spent more time than what I usually used to allocate for this purpose. Teaching, revising, making question papers etc …
Since there is nobody to chat with, most of the time, I got some spare time and hence I decided to study more computer. So far, my experience is, anything related to C family of programming language is a jinx for me. But I allocated sometime for it, once again. I don’t know how things will turn around. In the middle, I got attracted to the rifle, AK-47. I used to keep a file folder (physical one and not computer file) named ‘The Stuff File’. I used to scribble about things which I happened to read/researched and got interested. But since couple of years, I forgot about that file and the other day , once again I happened to see it. So, that diverted me to some other places. I realized that I forgot everything that I read about the ‘String theory’ , which is part of theoretical physics. That file lead me to J.C Bose, Einstein, Kalashnikov, some cameras, and other stuffs and hence came in between my computer studies (grrrrrrrrrrrrrr). But it helped me from getting sucked away by the vacuum created by some of my friends.
I spent thinking about two nonsense things that happened around me. One is the arrest of a arms dealer who succeeded (by giving commission/bribe to many politicians and others) to sell some missiles to the Indian Navy. Those missiles always failed in tests, including the trials. What patriotic politicians India has got, WOW! Hats off to them. If there was some provision, they would have sold India to some other country…. Bloody @#$%$#&*
Yesterday, there happened a BIG traffic jam in my city. It all started when an auto rickshaw jumped a traffic signal. Why did he jump the red light? The driver was carrying his father to hospital and that guy was ‘serious’. The police did not allow him to go and the guy died on the spot. Auto guys are known for bad behaviors/underworld connections/criminal activities etc. Within seconds, the place got filled with auto drivers and ‘crowd’. They beat up the policeman who stopped the rickshaw. And blocked the road till higher-ups showed up. I have personally seen police violating traffic rules. One particular incident I clearly remember is that of a pilot vehicle for a minister crossing the road divider and thus violating the one way rule. All the vehicles that followed that police van violated that rule. That too for a worthless politician.
At least here in this case, he was trying to save his father’s life and the police should have considered it as and emergency and given the privilege of an ambulance.
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