Thursday, April 15, 2010

Old Age Home

The ornamental tree

New leaves got trimmed

Old leaves stayed.



Monday, April 12, 2010

Be Truthful ! Boss bless you .

Should we always be truthful to our employer?

More than a decade back, one day, I went to my boss’s cabin and said, 

“Sir, I want a day’s off day after tomorrow”


“I am going to Cochin to attend an interview”

“Which company?”

I tell him the name of the company and he immediately replied:

“You won’t get that job….they might have already taken somebody else”

I became sad.  He read that from my face (I am a poor actor)

“OK, go ahead”

This is the kind of blessing you would get if you are too truthful, idiotically truthful !




Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Happy Candle ...

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared..."

- Gautam Buddha. 

Friday, April 02, 2010

Jesus ! A Good News !!

To veg or non-veg, that is NOT the question.

When a (virtual) friend of mine came to know that I am a vegetarian, told me that she will make me eat cow’s meat when I visit her. Why cow? Because I am a Hindu and Hindu’s (generally speaking) consider cow as a holy animal. Of course, I know she was not serious about it and even prepare some vegetarian dish if I ever visit her. But since cow’s meat got dragged into the talk, we happened to discuss some ‘religions, eat meat !’ things.

Muslims do not eat pork not because it is holy for them but they consider pig as one of the dirtiest animals in this planet, unlike a Hindu’s view on cow who considers cow as mother.

If I am not wrong, Old Testament is applicable for all Abrahamian religions (in general. I understand that there are new religious sects who keep a Bible which has only New Testament and they do not read or follow Old Testament).

The Bible says:

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

- Genesis 1:29-30

Adam and Eve were provided with fruits and vegetables, as food, in the Eden garden.

Ah, then comes Saint Paul and his letter to Romans saying all food is clean (Christians who eat pork takes cover under this). More than half of the New Testament is written by St.Paul…. Who is this St.Paul?

During my Bible study period (and even now) I got this feeling of ‘Bible is tampered with or manipulated’ feeling . This St.Paul was not one among Jesus’ direct disciples and the worst, he never even met Jesus. If we check a Red Letter Bible (there is something called red letter bible where whatever is spoken by Jesus is printed in red and rest in black), red letters are very few. It would be just couple of pages. So, I have never taken this St.Paul very seriously and even suspect many things are written by somebody else in the name of St.Paul.

Jesus is considered as somebody who preached love and compassion. There is a popular picture of Jesus with a lamb. When we look at it, what impression we get? Does it look like he is going to kill that animal and eat?

That answer is a big NO


There was a research done on ‘the Last Supper’ picture and it was found out that the food items on the table are growing more and more, though it started with bread and wine. Why there was no meat on last supper? After a decade or so this bread and wine picture will slowly vanish and it can even end up with pork with an apple in its mouth!

So, was Jesus Christ a vegetarian? Recent studies tell that there is high possibility. Some even believe that he indeed was a vegetarian. A Google search ‘was Jesus a vegetarian’ now gives over a million results, see? Lots and lots of people started thinking that way, because he was man of compassion. Lots and lots of people are now curios about his life between his thirteen and thirty period. The journey of Jesus the carpenter to Jesus the Christ…any search on this connection also leads to a million search results…

Read Bible a thousand times and we cannot find a teaching from Jesus which says ‘Have compassion only to humans’. His compassion and love was not just limited to human race. He did love animals and he had compassion for them. How can such a person kill an animal and eat it?

How do we get meat these days? Those animals are grown just for meat. They are genetically grown in such a way that they have more flesh. Thus most of the grown up chickens, pigs and other animals cannot even stand on their feet. Of course they try to stand up since its natural instinct and then breaks their legs. Then its pain, agony…

Just like we humans, animals too suffer from pain. That is why the pharma companies and the researchers try their new medicines including the pain killer drugs on animals… Some religions do not even allow animals to be stunned before being slaughtered. If we check YouTube , we can get some idea how these animals are being killed for meat in modern day….Will Jesus eat meat if he see how this animals are grown, treated and killed? No way !

Jesus in the Cross tried to tell us about such pain…He tried to pass some message....but who cares?

To veg or non-veg, that is NOT the question…