Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The pain of

Losing heart

To heartless

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Religion Fraud and Babas

Somebody left such a comment on my blog about Harold's rapture prediction

"Frauds are there in your religion too. what about saibaba,nitya,amma etc? they all are frauds"

Thank you..

These kinds of frauds are there everywhere and in every religion. Religion/God/faith based business is a million dollar business, these days.

I do not know on what basis you call Sai Baba as a fraud. If that reference is about materializing stuffs from thin air, vomiting shiv lingams etc, of course it is a trick and he managed to fool a lot of people that way. If we consider his contribution back to the society by way of charities and humanitarian activities, he was a great human being. He did not consider the the other person's religion or faith for that matter and his help was not in exchange of the other person's faith or religion.

Nitya? Nithayananda? The guy who fell into a sex scandal? It was a trap and the videos were there all over the net. I do not know whether he was promoting himself as a celibate monk or not. If he was, this is a double shame.. (in the case of Osho, he did not say ‘I am going to become a celibate monk' and that was his parents major worry). . But there is no justification for his shameful act.

Amma.. Matha Amritanadamayi … the ‘hugging saint'… No idea what ‘fraud’ activity she is into. But it is interesting that her philosophy has some depth and she did not even complete her 5th grade! Her 'fraud' is yet to become public? no idea... If you know something, please let me know too. I am not her follower.

Note: Hinduism does not believe in religious conversion. Because, the core of Hinduism is spirituality and not blind faith or fear. Hinduism is beyond a particular God or scripture or guru (or fraud :P)