Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Jealousy is a negative emotion, a negative force or energy. It can work the way the prayer we do (for others), but in a somewhat opposite manner. A prayer we do for somebody else purifies our mind where as feeling jealousy rotten the mind and attracts more negativity. If our prayer for somebody else can do well for them, jealousy can do something bad to them.

To what extend our prayer can do good or our curse can do bad AND to what extend the other person can receive the good or bad from our prayer or curse depends on various factors including the magnitude of our thoughts, the aura around us and them and many other things.

Getting a well paid job, buying new car, an ipod, a laptop, a camera….getting a chance to visit places which many others wish to visit, moving to a better living condition…many such things can make others jealous of you; even if those ‘others’ are friends or family members.

It is in the nature of humans to share our happy moments with our loved ones. I said loved ones.. where divine love is the purest form of positive energy. I am not referring to that love in the ‘ I love you’ originating from lust.

So, when we share good things with others, it is better we think twice to whom and what we share coz it can attract negative energy or even bad luck.

What if we think we made somebody feel jealous of us?

Forgive them and bless them…

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