Sunday, July 15, 2007

I slept well

I have a Friendster account. I happened to read some blogs written by some. Many of them had the ability to write well. I also noticed that some people stopped writing, though they were good at it. I tried to encourage some of them. Strangely a couple of them never bothered even send me a ‘smile’. They ignored me…..who the damn is this Jay?

Strangely, one person visited this blog and asked me today “ btw, you don’t have any plan to write? You seemed to be regular with blogs and am not seeing any update. This is the way I also stopped….hahaha”


Friend (let me call you that way, I don’t know your view about friends and friendships), how can I write a blog for the past two days? Forget it, understand that I was not at all in a position to write blogs. FYI, I had plans to write about the following a week ago:

Something about the IMs I used so far
Something more about my childhood
Something about Jesus, me and wine
Something about Krishna and ‘Chatur Varnyam’

What is predictable in this universe? I don’t know whether something can be predicted with 100% accuracy than our death one day….sometimes, someday, we face totally unexpected things……can you predict that so and so and so and so will be friends for ever? ………….

I wrote about Relationships. Is friendship a relationship? If not what is that? I don’t know…This reminds me of one thing, I was sitting in front of my Discrete Mathematics Professor a year ago for a Viva……he asked me the same question.

‘What is a relation? ‘ (he cut the ‘ship’?)
‘ hmm, you and me?’
‘What you mean?’
‘Teacher and student’

So, that means there exists a relationship between a Teacher and Student, though I did not attend any of his boring class……sorry may be I am off track

Those who talked me about relationships tried to convey their emotion to me, and I said, ‘yes, I understand….’. but did I really? What happens when somebody so close to you decided to close that closeness?

Let us go back to yesterday.

I am sitting in front of my family doc

‘I have chest pain’
‘Suddenly what happened?’
‘I broke with a friend, or that is what it seems’
‘Were you close to that person’?
‘Since how long you know this person?’
‘Three years or may be three and a half’
‘Where is that person’?
‘Abroad….doc, I don’t have anybody to talk to….even my wife is not understanding me…that is why I came to you.....I felt like talking to you...’

‘You talk to HIM, for a while’, he looked up.

He stared at me, his typical stare.

‘OK, are you able to drink enough water?
‘Are you eating well?
‘What about your sleep?’
‘No, I can’t sleep properly’
‘You got fever?’
‘Any other physical problems?’
‘Apart from that I did not observe anything other than hair falling more’

‘So, anything wrong with my heart?’
‘See, emotions are related to heart…….’
‘So, what could be wrong?’ – I interrupted him this time
‘You are under stress and it looks like you are not able to handle it…your chest pain is coz of that’
‘What you suggest? Any medication?’
‘Do you meditate?’
‘No, not these days….stopped a while ago’
‘Do you pray?’
‘Not really….its not part of my daily things, at least’
‘ Then I will give you a tab .........take at night…I will write two but suggest you take only one….you go for a walk……look at the trees, birds….listen to them….you need to get sleep, you drink enough water….if you cant, force it… well…..and it might take at least four days for you to recover from this…if possible, meditate or pray…’
‘But I cant sleep’
‘Yes, I understand’

‘Doc, I cant believe this…why such things?‘

'Do you read?’

'Yes, I do'

'You read this book… will help you’

For the first time in my life I saw a doc prescribing a book in his letter-head !!!!!

And he prescribed a sedative……..after a long time, yesterday I slept very well!!


Anonymous said...

can you seat down with your doctor and make another conversations.....

you might need a high dosage of sedative since the punching man is back....hehehe

Jay said...

Have mercy, punching man...I dont want any sedative..and dont sent me back to doc...