Tuesday, August 14, 2007

God's Work!

Following is taken from one of my mails I wrote 2-3 years ago.



Understand one thing, God’s work is not just working in/only in any ashrams or being with holy people. And with the same logic, we can say just coz you are in the ashram, whatever you do can not be called as God’s work. God is love and he doesn’t want us to suffer. Jesus suffered a lot of pain; you can guess how it feels when nails passing through your flesh….may be he got fainted coz of the sheer pain. But he didn’t want us to suffer like that; instead he said he suffered it for the entire humanity. (But still why we suffer is a different issue.) And in India, some fools even believes in torturing their own bodies to please God. I agree that India is rich in spirituality, but don’t ever think that every Indian you meet is spiritual. When I read about your back pain while you were in the ashram, two things came into my mind.

I always believed in good and bad and want to stand with the good. I was known as a good person (don’t think that I became bad now). But what I received from others or from the nature (as fate) wasn’t good (may be my Guru is staring at me at this point….lol). Whenever this sort of thing- bad things- happens, I used to ask “ why me? I was always good to others” . Then one day my Guru’s answer came, “ see, there is no point in just being a goodie goodie in this world, you need skills to survive in this planet….you have to be good but intelligent too”.

A year ago or so, I was in the ashram doing a course. Seva was part of the course. Every person should do some seva (some pple wont listen even if it is from Guru’s mouth, they do it as a work, if at all they do it). One day I decided to help the kitchen people with cleaning. It was hard physical work. They cooked for thousands. I kept on doing it. Almost every one had food, but not me. (I have this acidity and migraine problems. If I don’t eat in time, I might develop stomach probs and head ache) I was still cleaning. Finally when it became past 3, I took some food and started eating. Then came the kitchen-in-charge. He scolded me. Can you guess why?

He said “I know you are doing seva here, as part of your course, but it doesn’t mean that you should not have your food in time….all the time, I thought you had food….” (removed name), don’t expect people like him even in ashrams, these days. They are rare species.


Note: Seva means Volunteer work or selfless service or work offered to God etc

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