I have spoken to many people from many part of the world and in my personal experience, all of them were proud of their culture. I remember a person from China verbally attacking me when I was just kidding about they eating insects. That person told me it is part of their complex culture which I don’t understand. Though I apologized and said, I was just joking and no offence meant, it all vent in vain.
But this is not the case with India, world’s largest democratic nation. Though the country was divided into two based on religion in 1947, Indian politicians are ashamed of admitting it. India stands as a Secular nation. They were always pseudo secular showing more concern to protect the rights of the minority. But when elections come, thy consider religion, caste, creed and what not.. Politicians thought more religion than so called religious leaders.
In most of the case, these leaders where ashamed to admit that they are Hindus (if that is the case). The left always was against Hinduism. But leaders from other religion proudly said they belong to their religion. This is what is happening to a culture rich nation and there is no wonder the government took such a stand. This will also help other religious groups who want to spread their faith.
When did Rama live? He is supposed to be lived about 8,69,000 to 21,65,000 years back. What was the bridge building technology used by the then people? Dose the government has got any idea? Nope…..how will it look if something is kept under sea water this many years? No idea….
What does Ramayana says about this bridge? It says they made it using stones, there is no mention of they using cement or any other artificial/man made stuff. And as per Ramanaya, where did Rama build that bridge? From Rameswaram (India) to Sri Lanka. And is there anything like that exists now? It does. Then why is it not popularized? Coz that will provide the Hindu religion more historical roots and the whole world don’t want that to happen, especially the top nations.
Adam's Bridge a pic by NASA (courtesy NASA)
Another pic from NASA (courtesy NASA)
So, when NASA found out that there exists such a structure which is mentioned in Ramayana, which was written thousands of years ago, they named it as ‘Adam’s Bridge’. Well, why after Adam? Does it mean that Adam lived in India? Did he travel to Sri Lanka using this bridge? Did he make this bridge? So what is the idea behind naming a Bridge like structure which has a lot to do with Hindu mythology as Adam’s bridge? Well well well…… Ask NASA …..
So, when NASA found out that there exists such a structure which is mentioned in Ramayana, which was written thousands of years ago, they named it as ‘Adam’s Bridge’. Well, why after Adam? Does it mean that Adam lived in India? Did he travel to Sri Lanka using this bridge? Did he make this bridge? So what is the idea behind naming a Bridge like structure which has a lot to do with Hindu mythology as Adam’s bridge? Well well well…… Ask NASA …..

Areal view of Rama's Bridge (courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
Too much religion is too dangerous. Long ago somebody compared religion with salt. You are eating some food and you think about salt, when? Either salt is less or it is more. If it is in correct proportion, you won’t think particularly about the salt but just enjoy the food.
Religion should be like salt, too much of it or too less of it is a problem. And a classic example is Bin Laden asking America to embrace Islam (or face the consequences!)
Too much religion is too dangerous. Long ago somebody compared religion with salt. You are eating some food and you think about salt, when? Either salt is less or it is more. If it is in correct proportion, you won’t think particularly about the salt but just enjoy the food.
Religion should be like salt, too much of it or too less of it is a problem. And a classic example is Bin Laden asking America to embrace Islam (or face the consequences!)
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