Monday, November 05, 2007

Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis - RAS

For the past couple of days, I was nursing a mouth ulcer. So this mail came into my mind. This I wrote one year ago to somebody.


Hi <>


I used to get it frequently (ie, RAS, Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis), but not these days. Though you asked what I do, actually, it doesn't matter what I do since the cause ( and hence the tretment) is different. Since I had/get this condition, I read a lot (abt most of the ulcers) and hence can provide some useful info. There is no single cause for this. Many people might have their own trigger for this, apart from the physical trauma. Like, in many women hormonal change, in some pple, change or tooth paste, in some vitamin deficiency ( Folic acid or B12 or Iron, usually), sudden stress, allergy to gluten ( a protein present in wheat etc)………

As on today, nobody knows what the exact cause of mouth ulcer is. There are some indirect causes like brush abrasion, accident bites etc which are called the physical trauma (in my case this biting is the main culprit these days). You can find out many many other reasons like these. If physical trauma is not the cause, in your case, then there is something to do with what you eat and drink. Many scientists believe that it has something to do with over reaction of our own body's immune system, in some people like you and me (and not some one like Latha.) From my past 30 years of observation, I observed that it has also something do with your stomach/ bowl movement. Constipation can lead to ulcer and when there is ulcer it again leads to constipation (since we hesitate to take enough fluids, I think).So, make sure that you have a clean stomach during the ulcer period. For me, it also helps reduce the pain.

In my case, since I wasn't the person who cooks, or had a say on it , there wasn't any control over it. Many a times there weren't any choice (don't ask me why). So, avoid spicy food and acidic fruits. In some pple, taking milk helps (not for me), eat lots of greens (try avoiding papaya, and tomato, if you are regular with it), I use the Smyle mouth ulcer gel. At night, clean the ulcer and wash your mouth with any antiseptic mouth wash ( I use Listerine ). Washing with aspirin also helps, but better use some antiseptic. Though we won't feel like drinking water, drink lots of water. Never take any pepsi/coke stuff. Acidic food is best avoided during these period but somebody told me (when I was in a medical chat room, long ago) less diluted lemon juice helps . Never tried it. You can try folic acid tabs (if you go to a doc, then also he/she need to do some trials to find out the cause), if lack of that is the cause, it will fasten the healing process. I have tried that and as of now, I don't remember whether it was useful for me or not. And a veg diet is best for these period (avoid even egg, this was one of my earlier doc's advice)

And finally, there are many medicines available these days (including some injections which can heal the ulcer within 72 hours – but don't use). Since you are working and this ulcer and pain can even affect your mood, you can even consult a doc, if the pain is very severe.


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