This was during my first year graduation. I became bit popular, as a teacher, and I got lots of students but I did not take much. Just two students. Mainly coz, I was into many other social activities and I wanted to make only a small sum to manage my petrol cost.
It can’t be considered as a job, rite? Well, then my first job was with guy. This guy was a friend of one of my friends (who is no more). And thus he became my acquaintance. He took an agency to market an electronic hobby kit and was looking for a guy to manage his paper works. On my friend’s suggestion, I took up the job and I was asked to report to his house. This was just after me giving my last exam and before results.
What I saw was just a house. He didn’t even have a separate room for his office. Kits are lying at one room and I was offered a seat somewhere else. Why he preferred me? I was doing my graduation in Accounting but I had a fair idea about electronics too. So he gave me a kit to get familiarized with.
He was lucky that there came an article in the local news paper about this electronic kit. And he was the only agent in that area. Thus there came lots of inquiry letters and my first assignment was to answer them all. Before finishing it, he asked me to write an article about his product. I wrote an article and we both went to one news paper office and handed it over. I was sure that they will not publish it coz, another paper already mentioned about this product (as I mentioned earlier). News paper people are looking for unique news for them else we need to pay and publish it. I did not see them publishing my write up. (my first published work was a letter to the editor..hahaha)
I used my bike for his marketing visits and to post office for sending parcels, for which he put petrol. 3-4 days left….once or twice I had lunch from his house. My salary was fixed as 300 bucks per month.
May be on the fifth day, he came out the idea to visit the Government Engineering College and give a demo. That college was a collection of brains. And I remember that, during that time, some of the students came out with an assignment on robotics which gathered appreciation. I said ok. And?
Next day, I did not turn up. He was a very thick skinned man but not me. My employer waited for two days and then contacted my friend and came to know that I have given up the job. He offered to pay the salary for those days which I did not accept.
So, I did not get paid for my first job…huhuhu
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