(There are some professional prayer service available world wide. Their job is to pray for others. I am not that lazy a guy who doesn’t even have time to pray for my friend. And, I don’t want that kinda mechanical prayers. I don’t think they have special powers and skills to put our matters in front of God, and get it sanctioned. And don’t think that God is busy listening to them and answer them. They just fill up your name as in case of a printed application).
So, let’s pray with all our heart…just we and God and nobody in between.

How does a daily prayer look? I don’t follow any particular format, though I thank Him for the food, cloth, money etc he provided me for the day. So, feel free to have the choice of yours. But if we fell in to a river (assuming that we know swimming) and feel like praying, we better pray to God to provide the courage and strength to swim rather than being panic and crying out ‘help help’ (it doesn’t mean that you should not call for help)
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