Maharshi Mahesh Yogi left his body on 5th of February 2008. He was 91 years old. He was at his Netherlands Ashram at that time.
During 1996, he was declared dead by docs, in London, but he simply came back. January 12 was his birthday and this year, on his 91st birthday, he gave a talk and said, he don’t have anything else to say to this world and went into silence and he did not speak to anybody till his soul left his body. (well, there are many who can die at their will, some Buddhist monks are experts on this area, even today..I might write about it sometime later, if I don’t forget). He left his body gracefully...
I don’t think I need to tell who Maharshi is, the whole world knows him. He developed and found the Transcendental Meditation technique, which is a big gift for the human race. He had his own identity but he became popular when the famous band Beatles got associated with him. They came to India to attend the course, in Rishikesh .
The strange thing about Beetles and Maharshi is, that NASA beamed the song ‘Across the Universe’ by them in to the space on the same day of his demise. What a coincidence !
Like Beetles, there were many famous personalities after him, all over the world…
But for me, He was my Guru’s teacher for sometime, so I have all that respect for him and I am lucky to be in that lineage..….then there is one Actor cum Director who I like very much, Clint Eastwood. He practices Transcendental Meditation and to be frank, at some point of time, I too wished I could learn that….
Me wishing rest in peace would be the most foolish and stupidest thing and his soul might laugh at me, if it can …
So, please accept my last respects!!
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