One of the most popular verses from the Bhagavat Gita is this:
Yada yada hi dharmasya
Glanir bhavati bharata
Abhyutthanam adharmasya
Tadatmanam srjamy aham
- Bhagavat Gita 4:7
What does it mean? One of the most popular translation for this is :
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself.
May be that is what almost every non-Hindu and most of the Hindu’s believe. I am not saying that is wrong, but I cant simply believe in that, though that translation is by a world known person, who has millions of followers……
Where I am not comfortable is the translation of the word ‘dharma’ into religion. I am not a Sanskrit expert and my knowledge of Sanskrit is zero compared to the person who translated it. But….. that cant be logically correct… Krishna coming whenever religion declines (Sanatana Dharma is not just another religion…all other religion has a single founder, not for Hinduism….it is not a single person’s view on something…) that is hard to digest…
Here is a better looking translation :
Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma (righteousness) and ascendance of adharma (unrighteousness), at that time I manifest Myself in visible form. For the protection of the righteous and destruction of the wicked, and for the sake of establishing dharma again, I incarnate Myself on earth ages after ages.
Here dharma is translated as righteousness, which I personally think is better than ‘religion’…. But ‘ I manifest myself in visible form’ …well, does the sloka say so? From where does this come?
So, will Krishna come in a horse with a sword? Those who are waiting to witness such a scene will get disappointed, that is what I personally believe. Coz, when I read Gita, I did not feel like Krishna saying so.
So who is Krishna? Is he just the son of Vasudeva? Just an avatar of Vishnu, who was born about 5000 years ago? Will he come back again as Krishna?
Bhagavat Gita has highest depth of psychology. So, if somebody believes Krishna is JUST son of Vasudeva, they have a long way to go…. I think there is a Krishna in us…in every one of us… and He comes when the righteousness in us declines.. how?
When we say/do something ‘wrong’, if we observe, there comes a voice from within…we can feel somebody saying NO, but this is not a very strong feeling that will drag us from doing that, for every one of us…The more clear your mind is, that is, the more you believe in good /God, the more aware we are, the more will be the pull..when we lie, when we cheat, when we deceive, when we ….. Krishna !
That something which tries to guide us to right is nothing but Krishna (or Christ or.., depending on your religion.). That is the God element in you, the Krishna in you…
Instead of looking for a Krishna (well, any ‘God form’ for that matter) outside, FIRST listen to the Krishna/Christ inside you.
(For those who believe in ‘personal forms’ or ‘human forms’ - So those ‘special guys’ will never return? Logically thinking, understand this - during the life time of Rama, Krishna, Jesus.. how many recognized them? Only a few… So? …. May be thy are already there, who knows? )
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