Friday I had Pizza as lunch. Usually I don’t eat pizza replacing my main food (whatever it be for breakfast, lunch or dinner, I wont replace it with junk food). But on Friday it happened, I ate till my stomach is full. When I eat pizza, my body asks for more water, may be that is how it is with others too, yet to ask anybody outside my family. Unfortunately, I did not drink enough water. So It wasn’t a pleasant feeling . At night, I developed slight headache..
When somebody with migraine (history) don’t drink enough water, migraine calls for a party (this usually happens when our body starts drawing water from the blood and thus creating a low blood pressure). Thus I woke up with a slight headache on Saturday. I had a feverish feeling, my neck pained, I sneezed. I felt drained. I did not feel any energy. And I already was nursing a bad knee (possibly a tendon or ligament injury…if it was muscular, it won’t stay this long, after a course of pain killers and muscle relaxant) Well, what a way to start the weekend…
When your body is weak, everything (bad) comes up very fast. Its not just pizza that caused all these problems, but the weather change, bad sleeping position …. When I was sitting with all sorts of pains, my wife said,
“This is what an astrologer predicted for you after April 15…he had predicted injuries, pain and health related issues.….”
Well, I did not hear that and wasn’t aware of his prediction. I stopped listening to them. Ok, may be he is right, otherwise how come a leg-press resulted in such a bad injury? But I wasn’t much interested in the astrology stuff. My knees were strong. Every day I used to climb up and climb down 200 steps. On the day of injury also I did climb down 200 steps, before that press. And I did not forget my warm-up too.
But its true, after injury, I did not give much rest to my knee. It is difficult to rest when you are the only person who is usually running around for your family for everything. And I remember that the shoe shop from where I bought my son’s school shoe (we cant buy it from any other place, it made just for that school , yes, a business by the school ppl). It was on a high floor, may be third or fourth, and there wasn’t any lift. The steps were abnormally high. And at the end, it resulted in more knee pain. There were many such unavoidable situations during the past 10 days or so. When I look back, there were avoidable (?) situations too, like swimming and certain aspects of gym workout….. well, anyway, I did want to go for swim, but I cant. No gym too. Cant do any physical activity and cant bear light also. So, I just did my Kriya lightly (yoga stuff). That was bit relaxing.
I had no choice but to go out (in the evening) and buy something for my wife’s niece for her birthday. So, I can’t simply rest. Hence I had a strong painkiller and took a nap….
The dealer from where I bought the car gave me a call. A lady. She called me many times to know whether I received a feed back form directly from the manufacturer to comment on this dealer. She asked me to not to send the form to which I objected. Then a guy called me and said he want to talk to me in person and I said I am not interested and its up to me to rate and comment based on the service they provide. Last time I made a direct complaint to the manufacturer and it looks like it affected them someway and this time, they want to avoid such a situation. Then I called up the car insurance people and it ended as an unpleasant talk. They were very customer friendly till they receive the check. And I did not receive the policy till date.
Went for shopping (for the bday baby) and since I felt like buying something for us, I quickly left the mall. No budget Mr.Jay…
Sunday ! I switched off the alarm and decided to stay in the bed. I was intoxicated by a dream. I tried to sleep and see the remaining part of the dream. But I could not. I missed my dream.. then I thought of just stay in the dream and think about the dream I had. Then I ‘heard’ a thought
‘Don’t try to work on that dream…don’t fancy…don’t extend it… let it be a dream and let it go’
That thought was very weak. But I listened to it and I did not add anything new to that dream or anything more to happen to that dream.
When we are in a dream, we smell, taste, feel…. Yes, I could feel my happiness during that dream. In that dream, I had an elder brother. It wasn’t an imaginary figure; he was one of my cousins. How come he plays the role of my brother? I don’t know.. I got the presence of his youngest brother too. Was he too my brother? Now I can’t remember… but the irony is thy had a sibling in-between them and I was more close to him, as a cousin and as a friend. But he was missing in the dream..So, what is there in this dream that made me happy?
There was one more person, I have never seen. I know only one person by that name (my sister’s one of the friends’ elder sister, who was a hockey player) who had nothing to do with that dream or the person in this dream. It was a girl…
Sunday too I stayed away from gym and swimming. For many days am not swimming. This neck and shoulder pain has something to do with my swimming. One day I stayed in the water (which was cold) for about 2 hours (it triggered my cervical spondylosis) and next day my neck and shoulder started cribbing. But herbal oil and heat is always a big relief….this time too
I thot of mailing a friend of mine, about my dream…but the broadband was down. Its Sunday, so, if I call up the support, what will be the response? anyway I called up.
“How long will it take to fix the problem?”
“24 hours”
“24 HOURS?
“24 WORKING hours”
Since I was talking to a government official, there is no point in shouting…so I said
“Thank you”
At odd time, I felt very sleepy and I slept for 10-15 minutes….
There was this (first) bday party of a little one (my brother in law’s daughter). We attended that and returned only at night. It was at the terrace of in-laws place.
The T20 cricket match wasn’t interesting since the players I like did not play well… so I went to bed but coz of the day time sleep, I could not sleep. May be till 12, I was awake. I listened to the street dogs barking… I wondered what reason these guys are getting every night. For one or two days, may be a dog from other territory broke the line of control. But every day? Every day they have some reason to bark bark and bark… Sometimes they just stand as a group and barks looking at some far point…. God only knows…
Whatever be the sounds around me, there was one remarkable one ….wife’s snoring…. May be she is contributing something to the nature’s orchestra…..
Sleep sleep sleep……
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