Today will be his last day in Microsoft as the Chairman(more than 78,000 people works under him, in 105 countries). He is quitting the job, that too for philanthropic activities. We all might have cursed (take it lightly) him whenever we got that deadly blue screen, the specialty of Windows OS. But now, I feel proud of him. During the start of this year, he was the third richest man in this planet. He could buy anything that money can buy. He had seen enough money.
He is not quitting the chairmanship just as a show. He has a wealth of 58 billion USD and out of that, it is said that he decided to part 27 billion USD for his philanthropic organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The most interesting and wonderful thing he was quoted as saying is about poverty and operating system. He said compared to the poverty and death, the thought of which operating system somebody is using is pretty silly. Yes, he is a visionary, of course he is. But I never expected such a noble thought from a businessman.

So, ALL THE VERY BEST, Mr.Gates.. God bless you !
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