Sunday, May 24, 2009

Job Burnout

What is job burnout?

“Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by long-term exposure to demanding work situations”

What are the common symptoms?

Change in the sleep pattern.
Not able to laugh on things we used to laugh
Being more sarcastic with colleagues
Change in appetite
Grinding teeth, often
More irritable with customers, clients, colleagues or even to friends
Being cynical (or more cynical)
Frequent headaches or neck pain
Body weight change (in most cases, its weight gain)
Bad temper started affecting family life…

So, what causes it?

Job burnout is the result of stress. This again could be coz of:

Work work and more work (especially during layoff times)
Wrong career/position
Situation where we need to handle a virtually impossible/unclear requirement
More work but no time (since we can’t stretch time)
Worked very hard, but no return/reward

So, how can we cope with it?

Adopt relaxation techniques
Prioritize work
Exercise regularly
If possible, take a break and involve in activities which gives you peace of mind
If possible, avoid working overtime
Try to maintain good working relationships at work
If nothing works, consider changing the job.

1 comment:

Docpotter said...

Burnout is a kind of job depression. It not caused by demanding work - but demanding work where you feel you can not win and you feel powerless to change it.

The way to overcome or prevent burnout is to develop personal power - a feeling of I-Can-Do. But the first step is to get a clear picture of the factors in your job that are causing you to feel powerless.

To find out what burnout is and what to do about it, see