How to make a cup of tea?
“If this is the way you make tea, it is better we drink milk”
That’s a comment I heard from a relative when my wife told how she makes tea. The tone was as if my wife is making it in a wrong way or as if she doesn’t know how to make tea. Well, I am not trying to justify my wife but she makes good tea and it’s not at all like drinking milk, in fact she likes to drink strong tea. The statement from that person was unrealistic and exaggerated. But that is not the point here…how to make a cup of tea?
I am not going to tell how exactly we can make a cup of tea because people are different and they all have their own way of making tea or liking tea. It is not like drinking Coke which has a standard around the world. In my native State, if we ask for just tea in ‘Tea Shops’, they might not consider the request complete till we specify what kind of tea we want – Light, Medium or Strong….. India is the second largest producer of Tea in the world and we consume lot of it. Here most of us know how to make a cup of tea the way we like it. So?
So, the thing is if somebody thinks my way is the only right way to make tea and others are wrong, it’s just ignorance.
We gets such comments for almost everything and the worst part is that it's free of charge and we don’t even have to ask for it… the way we have arranged furniture in our home, the color of the car we chose, cot, fridge, our shoes, dress, toothbrush… does everyone in this world has the same likes, dislikes, thoughts, inhibitions, fears, ambitions, emotions, views, talent, aptitude, fantasies…..though God created man in His image? Is nature filled with just one kind of tree, rose, spider, rat, snake, orchid, coconut palm, jasmine, ant, rice, mango, banana….??
The point is making tea is also like believing in God, His forms, and His ways…
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