Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I Mean

What do I mean? I mean what does my name mean? One Penoy friend asked me this. Yes, Indian names has got some meaning.

Jaya or Jai can be translated as ‘hail’ or even ‘praise’
Ram (or Rama )- though it can be further split (in Sanskrit), one of its meaning is – the Supreme or for convenience we can call it as Lord

So, my name means – Praise the Lord!

And somebody asked me what you mean by mantra…..

Mantra is a sacred word. These were ‘heard’ or felt by ancient Rishis/ seers when they were in deep meditation. ‘OM’ is considered as the ‘mantra of mantras’ or the ‘Pranava’ Mantra or the primal sound…..it even symbolizes the entire universe….

Confused? From your name (who asked me), it looks like you are a Christian. So, look at this

“ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”

- John 1:1

Just relax and think over and over and over again about that Word

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