Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Let us Start..

The start of every New Year has something in common. Resolutions. Many people take new year resolutions. This is the time we get asked ‘ hey, what is your new year resolution?’

And then many of us wish ‘hope’, new hopes.

What is the nature of a New Year resolution? The typical one would look like

I will spent more time with family
I will quit smoking
I will stop drinking
I will do regular workout and will lose weight
I will watch less TV
I will be more religious (well, some people take even such one)
I will do this…I will do that

Whatever be it, everything has got something in common, in general. These resolutions are not negative ones (am neither talking about any terrorist’s resolution nor a god seller fixing a new target). It has something positive in it. In general, these are harmless to others around us or the society. It won’t disturb the peace in any manner (like when a girl decides to shed some pounds). What does this show? In every human, there is a positive inner call, though it’s very feeble in many. Or may be in many cases, people don’t realize or register such an inner voice. This is something we all inherit from the creator Himself...

I had this experience of people giving a kind of smile, as if that person did something funny when I ask:

“What was your last year’s resolution and did you fulfill it?”

Yes, that smile will tell that it was just another resolution. New Year resolutions are those over which we have control. It has some personal touch. Something we can do for ourselves that doesn’t involve help from others. So, I was thinking why we need to pass a resolution to make a small change in our own lifestyle? Don’t we have any control over our mind? After all, there is no bad time to do something good, like making a prayer. But if somebody is looking for ‘where to start?’, a New Year has the answer.

New hopes. Yes, year after year, when the New Year comes, we hope for a better life. That too is part of every human. We might have hoped a better life during the last New Year and experienced a worse one. But still, we keep that hope. So, let us hope the coming year be a good one, for all of us.

I don’t know whether I am hoping against hopes but let it be a year of peace and harmony.

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