Thursday, May 17, 2007





Yoga is becoming very popular day by day both here in India and abroad. But have you ever heard of ‘Yama’ and ‘Niyama’ ? They are the code of conduct prescribed by Patanjali, in his yoga sutra, for every practitioner of yoga. Yoga means union….union with the divine….union of self with God. To achieve this, one need to practice the twofold aspects of yoga, that is, the spiritual aspect and the physical aspect.

But 99% of those who do yoga follows only the physical aspect – doing the asanas and postures. It doesn’t mean that it is of no use, it is useful but the real goal of yoga is not achieved. Yama and Niyama are the spiritual aspects of yoga. Yama is the social discipline and Niyama is the self discipline.

Yama are of 5 kinds. (Some spiritual leaders add 5 more, but as I have not gone through the yoga sutra so far, I don’t know how many are there exactly).

Ahimsa – it is self explanatory, isn’t it? Don’t harm others in your acts, words or even in thoughts. This can include killing of animals or even cruel to them. (so don’t through stone when you see a dog next time, forget and forgive that dog which bit you loooong back…lol)
Satya – Be truthful and don’t lie. This also includes your act, words gesture etc
Asteya – Non stealing. Be honest and also don’t take advantage of others.
Brahmacharya – being celibate when single and being faithful to your spouse after marriage. Let you control the lust and not the other way.
Aparigraha – Don’t be greedy. You take only what you really need.


Saucha – Cleanliness. Keep your body, mind and surroundings clean.
Santhosha – Be happy. Be happy with what you have and don’t worry about what you don’t have. This does not mean that you should not have any ambition in your life.
Tapas – Austerity. Practice those things which help to burn the impurities in your life. This includes the practice of yoga, meditation, pilgrimage, proper sleep, your regular fitness programme etc.
Svadhyaya – Self study of self examination. Apply what you learnt from the scriptures in your life and see the progress. Try to find who really you are.
Isvara Pranidhana – Worship God. Do puja and japa and surrender to God.

You won’t believe, but long long back, first we need to practice yama and niyama before we actually practice the asanas and other things in yoga. But now, this spiritual aspect of yoga is almost completely forgotten. And with some others, they start practicing yoga as a means to improve overall health and later on turns to spirituality (that is a good sign).

Some more which got added to this yogic discipline are

Kshama – patience
Daya – be compassionate
Mitahara – eat moderately
Dana – Charity or the “ art of giving”
Astikya – complete faith in God, Guru, your spiritual path etc
Sidhantha Shravana _ listening to scriptures
Vratha – adopting the religious vows in one’s life (man, this is not “tomorrow I will be observing vratha, so let me have one more chicken)
It became a very long mail now…..let me take some rest

Jai Guru Dev!!

Bye for now and take care.

With prayers,


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