Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Digsby Affair

For my blog on Digsby, I got a comment from their side:

The beginning of that sentence says "depending on how you use Digsby" - from within Digsby you can store email addresses for buddies so you can IM them from within the IM window. You can also store SMS numbers so you can send SMS messages from within the IM window. In those cases this information is stored for the feature to work and we wanted to make that clear. We don't just go and store the email address of every buddy we can get to :)

It was Mr.Steve who made that for Digsby. And this is comment back.

Dear Mr. Steve,

First of all, thanks for reading my blog.

In the start of my blog, I clearly mention the situation. Somebody suggesting me digsby to use it as a single application to handle multiple IMs (or mail accounts). I wasn’t discussing about a scenario of two people communicating using the feature within it.

I created an account with digsby and a new yahoo account too. I added my yahoo id and my son’s and wife’s id into it as buddies. Then I linked the new yahoo account to digsby. By default, I can use yahoo to IM with my buddies and even sent mails coz, it stored the mail ids . Can I remove the mail id from it? Then my purpose of getting in touch with my yahoo buddies won’t serve. Is there any other way where I can keep my buddy list private and still be in touch with them using digsby? So what is the choice here? And we are providing the usernames and passwords to third party.

So, if it’s all just for the feature to work, what is the role of digsby here? How does it run as a business organization? How does it bear the costs? Or is it a social service? I don’t think they are registered as a non profit charitable organization (I am not telling that you should not run a business and make profit. Everyone has the freedom to do so)

I believe that majority of its users did not read the privacy policy at all.

And if one clearly goes through my blog, one can find that I am not telling anybody to stop using it or not using it. About the title, I agree that it’s misleading. I can title it as ‘Drums and oranges’ if I want, that’s my freedom. At the end of my blog, what I tell is just my reason for not using it. If anybody wants to use digsby, it’s up to them, and I know very well that it’s none of my business.

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