Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good News !!

This again is an old blog....We people in this area had some broadband related issues since an optical cable got cut coz of the government agency's digging for the treasure ...oops sorry they are going to build an underpass... usually the government works start once the 'treasure' is reached in proper hands in appropriate manner...


I did not read news paper for a couple of days. It wasn’t a deliberate action, may be it just happened for good. News papers usually carry lots of ‘bad’ news, like killing, kidnap, riot, blast, rape (the one I just can’t bear is raping small kids… I think they are the ones who are most eligible for a death sentence, may be by stoning).

See how the mind works, when I thought of rape, there comes a killer even within me. And that aspect is there in everyone. Bad things trigger bad things in us which again attract bad things (till we observe it , understand it and learn how not to react to it).

News papers are not reporting these things for fun or for educating the people but for business. That means, this news sell. And may be most of the people want such things to be seen in the news. It doesn’t mean that news paper people should not print such news, but the sad thing is the culprits escaping the law and coming back to the society.

But today, I think I read some good news too. I like ads. Especially ads of new electronic goods, automobiles etc. Today’s paper had some laptops and mobile phones. Not just that, for the first time in my life so far, I read that missiles were used for something good.

China fired about 20 missiles to drain a ‘quake lake’. This was to cut through a rocky dam created by the earth quake formed lake which was a threat to the people.

And the paper said that US developed the fastest computer so far. It can process more than 1.026 quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) calculations per second. Whoa !!!

And another good news is that the evangelist that I mentioned in one of my previous blogs (a mail to somebody), K.P.Yohannan, came under State government’s scanner. When I wrote that mail (or blogged it), I had no idea about his assets. A primary investigation showed that over the years he received Rs. 1,044 crores (243,811,704.18 USD) from just one American evangelical organization, Gospel for Asia (Texas based). And he don’t have any record for what purpose these amounts are being used except for 144 cr (1.44 billion). That is, for 90% of the money he received from abroad, there is no explanation. Police also found that he has lots of investment in real estate and in all the Trusts he formed, it’s only his family members. Not just that, labour law violations in his establishments, using private wireless network without government's security clearance....

That is why I wrote earlier, God business is one of the most picking up business and profitable business these days. One can become a millionaire if one has a little patience.

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