Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Rehabilitation !

I got rehabilitated. After a short period of explosive activities, finally am back to the garage.

I had developed a knee injury about two months ago. From the kind of pain and my experience with injuries during martial arts time, I guessed that it is not a minor muscular pain. But I did not want to admit it. I wanted to fight it out. I tried to hide my pain from my wife so that she won’t put any restrictions. But finally, my body asked me to take some rest. May be I asked more from my body. Gym, badminton, swimming, squash… people even started being jealous of me, my figure and my fitness…

Today I met an orthopedic surgeon, since the pain came back. He was a nice guy. I liked him. Pleasant looking with a smiling face. I had consulted him 4-5 years ago or so when I had a minor rib fracture. He did not recognize me (Well, had he did, then it would have been a wonder). The thing I like about this doc is that he is ready to explain things and hence I can ask questions. Thus I used this chance to clear some other doubts.

So, he took a paper and a pen and drew a diagram of knee joint and explained to me what has happened. There is a severe sprain with a ligament. And hence I need to stop all my physical activities. Very bad news… not just that, I need to undergo physiotherapy (Ultra Sonic, I.C.T - Interferential Current Therapy- which gives funny 'pin and needle' sensation coz of electric impulses, and then about 5 different exercises!!!) for 7 days..very very bad…

Another disappointing thing is this hospital is 6 km away from my house and this physiotherapy room is always full! So, now is the time of testing patience. This is how life is...

“…Whatever is happening, is happening for the good…” - Bhagavat Gita..

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