Thursday, February 12, 2009

Impossible is Nothing !

There are many professions where we need to think out-of-the-way. In software industry, it’s testing career. Testers should be able to think like the end user. Plus he should be able to think beyond, looking for the (possibly) existing and non existing bugs (don’t ask me ‘then why Windows Vista is a junk?’). A professional chef, innovative music composers, painters, the ‘rain makers’ …yes there are many such professions..

Which among the God made things give the message ‘think out-of-the-way’?

60-70% of our body is nothing but water. About 70% of earth’s surface is covered with water. Water helps us in so many ways. There is no life without water. One of the properties of water is its fire fighting ability. It can extinguish fire. But how did God make water?

HE just mixed Hydrogen, which is highly inflammable and Oxygen which is essential for combustion, a fire helper!

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