Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Right Time!

It is said that there is no wrong time for doing a right thing. If one feels like doing a right (right and wrong are relative, I know, I use the word ‘right’ in a generally/socially/rationally accepted way) thing, just do it now. If one thinks over it again and again, who knows what will happen?

There is a good example/story in Mahabharata.

Karna is known for his generosity. One day, while he was taking bath, a man from a priestly family asked for alms. He was holding a vessel in his left hand (since he was a king, it must be expensive) and he gave that to the man.

In India, one is not supposed to do that with his left hand, that too a King. The man got surprised and asked why he did that. Then Karna said :

“By the time I bring it to my right hand, what if I lose the intention of giving?”

The End….

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