Tuesday, August 05, 2008

An Abortion..

Should the government allow an abortion? Or what is called Medical Termination of Pregnancy? There are many cases where we should allow it.

There came such a case in the Bombay High Court and the court ruled against it. And the judge said :

“We can only interpret law and not make the law….”

Yes, that is how the system works. The less educated and anti-social politicians make law and highly educated bureaucrats interpret and implement it. Though it’s ridiculous, its how things happen in this world.

Here in this particular case, what happens if the baby is born? Medical experts see the at least the following possibilities:

Child could be asymptomatic (shortness of breath and difficulty in swallowing) till it becomes at least seven
Child might need a pacemaker from birth
High possibility of valve problem with the heart


The child wont survive long…

At least now the parents did not develop any attachment with their child. Its still in fetus state and parents want to abort it. But the ridiculous system and then this stupid media which blew this issue out of proportion…. Lots and lots of abortion takes place in this country....where did these gentlemen go? Many aborted when they came to know the child is a girl child... What is the justification? May be the mistake is here in this case, they approached the stupid system thinking that they might get justice, rather than doing it privately without anybody knowing it.

What about the adult killings? Political murders?

After all, its about life. Just observe a fishing incident. What happens when the fish comes out of water? It struggles for oxygen….it struggles for life…. Literally it jumps up and down and shows all sorts of struggle s to get a breath… it undergoes pain…just like when a human is suffocated to death…

Well, at least in this case, the parents have every right to abort this pregnancy. If the law doesn’t allow it, change the law, you fools…

Dear Mehtas, I understand your concern, pain, agony, suffering, frustration….I can only pray for you…..May God bless you…..now leave it to HIM

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