Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Prayer for Weight Loss

Ever wondered why some people cant reduce weight even though they skip breakfast? It happened with one of my friends. Its simple. She used to skip breakfast but used to take decent lunch. What happens here is, since the stomach is empty for about 6 hours, we might feel more hungry and hence we might eat more. And what happens when we have a heavy lunch? We might feel bit drowsy. And if we are at work, this will certainly affect our productivity. The easy way to control over eating is to have a cup of water before having meal.

So it is not wise to skip break fast. Eat moderately. There is no need to skip any meal if we want to lose weight. All we need to do is to have an eye on what we eat. And yes, workouts. Do that also wisely.

* * * *

Today I got a forwarded mail. It was a prayer. The mail asks us to do that prayer and forward it. The subject line had a number, the count. When we forward it, add one to the number. When I got the mail, it was forwarded about 10 times. And what was the number?


And what is the world population?

6,635,466,609 !!!!

Can’t these people avoid cheating at least in things related to God? May be some people think that if they are doing some religious activity, they can do it in any way. Many people got converted to another faith at gun point. Some people believe that if they kill a person of the other religion, they get a place in the heaven. What a pity !!!

When you are doing God related stuffs (or better put - stuffs carried out by “religious” people who carry out religion related acts) , be more truthful. Be truthful to God and understand that everything in this universe is created by God and nobody is superior or inferior to anybody. Even every faith has its place. May be that is the reason why there exists hundreds of faith groups in a single religion which has only one common scripture book (this always was/is a wonder to me)

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